Sunday, May 24, 2015

Regeneration is Our Natural State

Regeneration of the surface of the uterus is what occurs each month during menstruation.

This is a physiological example of how we as wombyn change and evolve each month with our menses our inner and outer worlds have the capapbility to shift and cleanse quickly due to this natural process.

If we work with these energies and with become aware of the physiological changes in our bodies that occur in this cyclical manner, pay attention to the phases of the Moon in it's course, in relation to astrology and where we are at collectively as well as individually we have great tools and power at our fingertips, flowing from our wombs and through our sisters all around us.

It is a gift to have this knowledge so easily accessible, yet we live in a culture that tore apart our connection with the stars and Moon, took away our connection to a 13 moon calander which made calculation out natural biorythms easy and tapped into that power on a continual reciprocation cyclical way, and it is tie to reclaim this. In recognizing indiginous cultures that our roots are from (we all have this even if not visibly apparent in the color of our skin, we ALL come from tribal, earth based roots)
in paying attention to First Nation struggles and calendars, we move in the direction again of Unity, one with our Earth, one with our Cosmos, one with our Ecosystem.

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