Sunday, May 24, 2015

I am healing my ancestry forwards and backwards in time, proceeding from my root, healing, releasing, reclaiming ancient ties and wisdom.
Today I was blessed by some ancient Chinese medicine and herbalism, acupuncture, cupping, aromatherapy, and more
side by side with my daughter Krimzin who shares
my blood, my gifts, my challenges,
while standing with her own incarnation,
lately, we have been butting heads.
Chinese Medicine and other ancient Wisdom practices say~
Treat the parent, Treat the child and vice versa.
In ancient healing arts that are True
this is the way of discovering both the problems AND solutions
within relational issues,
If you are having challenges with your children at this time,
issues within your households and relational structures,
seek the counsel of wise energy workers and medicine women and men,
for what we are dealing with collectively right now is:
memories gathered at our root,
in our DNA, stored in our cellular tissues for the
right generations to unEarth it,
search it out, send it COMPASSION
heal it and send out the parts that no longer function
on their Merry Fucking way.
My daughter experienced loving compassion and gentleness in a healing space that was so sacred, walked away looking blissed and later experienced some detoxing and knowledge that she said,
"Something had to get out"
We were able to talk and share space in a way that we hadn't been able to
for months. Our inner patriarch was running our relationship HARD, and had to feel and see that both the Maiden and the Matriarch could receive the Nurturer and have safe space too.
Sure we can press on in the wheels of progress
built on caffeine and sugar
rapid, efficient, productive, and successful
Built on the illusion of.... perfectionism, materialism, industrialness?
Exhaustion to the point of unawareness,
lack of connectedness.
I look at my family,
these precious daughters and wonder,
how would my relationships be if I would have gone further on that route,
that hard road.
As my predecessors~ who grew up on this mentality which
we are ALL now healing from,
here's an excerpt I found upon researching the etymology of the word
<<"William James's 1906 speech about the need to find what he titled ''The Moral Equivalent of War.'' His point was that mankind needed a new outlet for combat, and he suggested an ''equivalent discipline'' -- conscription of men into universal nonmilitary service to ''coal and iron mines, to freight trains, to fishing fleets in December, to dishwashing'' -- to ''get the childishness knocked out of them, and to come back into society with healthier and soberer ideas.'' James's purpose, as he wrote to H.G. Wells that year, was to cure ''the moral flabbiness born of the exclusive worship of the bitch-goddess success. That -- with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word success -- is our national disease.''>>
This thinking is what fed our fathers, our grandfathers,
our mothers, our grandmothers,
our governments, our institutions.
Bless them Love them Heal them.
I chose knowing myself.
I chose knowing my daughters.
I choose knowing myself enough to show them a different face of the Goddess than that one which was misnamed and cursed by institutionalized ancestry.
I chose feeling my life apart from history
so I can truly be present here on Earth NOW
to be in service to others.
I choose ways of living, being, working
that relate and cooperate with my playing, healing, living.
In doing so I am teaching my daughters to respect themselves
and find their own truth that feels right to them.
To me that is true success,
let's take a look at the etymology...
(n.) Look up success at
1530s, "result, outcome," from Latin successus "an advance, a coming up; a good result, happy outcome," noun use of past participle of succedere "come after" (see succeed). Meaning "accomplishment of desired end" (good success) first recorded 1580s. Meaning "a thing or person which succeeds," especially in public, is from 1882
1. English is translated from the same time period when language was being diluted in many forms, not to mention Church and State controlling each other AND the printing presses...(that's a whole nuther rant yet to come...)
2. it has nothing to do with the present moment
3. it is all about accomplishment in the future
4. if we were truly concerned with what's succeeding, would we not put more
TIME, ENERGY, ATTENTION as a WHOLE society on our
On the aspect of our INNER CHILD
that has been generationally, systematically,
abused, neglected, controlled, to the point
that we have no idea
how to think for ourselves.
How are you breaking free of conditioning?
Look to your Roots for Answers.
artist unknown, yet loved

Regeneration is Our Natural State

Regeneration of the surface of the uterus is what occurs each month during menstruation.

This is a physiological example of how we as wombyn change and evolve each month with our menses our inner and outer worlds have the capapbility to shift and cleanse quickly due to this natural process.

If we work with these energies and with become aware of the physiological changes in our bodies that occur in this cyclical manner, pay attention to the phases of the Moon in it's course, in relation to astrology and where we are at collectively as well as individually we have great tools and power at our fingertips, flowing from our wombs and through our sisters all around us.

It is a gift to have this knowledge so easily accessible, yet we live in a culture that tore apart our connection with the stars and Moon, took away our connection to a 13 moon calander which made calculation out natural biorythms easy and tapped into that power on a continual reciprocation cyclical way, and it is tie to reclaim this. In recognizing indiginous cultures that our roots are from (we all have this even if not visibly apparent in the color of our skin, we ALL come from tribal, earth based roots)
in paying attention to First Nation struggles and calendars, we move in the direction again of Unity, one with our Earth, one with our Cosmos, one with our Ecosystem.